Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I list my company, services and products?

First, you need to register as a member and select a Free or Paid Membership Plan.

After you register, log into your account.

If yours is a Free plan, you can proceed on to make one free listing.

If you had selected a Paid Plan, you will be prompted to pay for the membership.

Then you can proceed to add your services and products under Add Listing.


What are the membership plans?

There are various membership plans as shown on the table below.

Membership Plans


How do I pay?

You can pay by Paypal or credit card. For credit card payment, please select Paypal and from there pay by credit card.


What if I do not find the category for my products/services in the list?

Please email to us at and we will be happy to add the new categories. Please state if it is a main category or a sub category.


How do I upgrade from one membership package to another?

Please select new package and pay for it. Send us an email to you have upgraded and we will refund you the difference.


What is the maximum size of images?

Maximum size of image must be under 500 KB.


Are there any editorial requirements for the the listings?

Yes, all  listings will be reviewed and approved before being allowed to be listed on the directory.

Please allow 24 hours for approval.